The Company

Company History
PreDoC, Inc. was established in 1997. At the time, the construction of new homes was on a rise as well as the installation of on-lot septic systems. However, something was missing… maintenance and operation. At the time, townships were beginning to require HOA wide maintenance programs prior to subdivision approval. PreDoC, Inc. was started in order to fulfill these needs and requirements.
Over the past 17 years, PreDoC, Inc. has become a leader in septic system maintenance. During those years, we have broadened our services and have become a distribution and manufacturer’s representative company for several different manufacturers. American Manufacturing Co., Jet Inc., Conery, and Little Giant are just a few of the septic system manufacturers we work with. PreDoC, Inc. supplies material, support, and maintenance on these products and many more.
Standard of Excellence
PreDoC, Inc. has a strong focus on education. We believe that there is little benefit to selling a product without providing supervision, training, and support. Our office staff, as well as field technicians are equipped to guide and support our customers. Our goal is to make sure that a customer has lifelong support, whether they are a contractor, building owner, or homeowner. Therefore, we do not focus our attention on the installation of on-lot / community septic systems, but rather the support and ongoing service to ensure that the customer always has a company to call on in an emergency or for a maintenance situation.
Our customers will be happy to know that we ourselves are constantly educating our team in all manner of skills and certifications. A short list of these certifications includes:
- PSMA: PA Septage Management Associaton
- PASEO: PA Sewage Enforcement Officer
- POWRA: PA Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association
- OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Association
- PAWWTP: PA Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Confined Space Entry