PreDoC periodically holds training classes for septic installers and other septic professionals on a variety of topics, including installation, inspection, and design review. You may contact us to find out the dates of these classes, or access material related to these classes below.
PA Micromound Installation Class
This class was developed to provide installers a brief overview of the installation and construction of a Perc-Rite® drip micromound. After reviewing the course online, feel free to contact our office directly with any questions.
PA Micromound Design Review Class
This class was developed to provide SEO’s, PA DEP, and other design review agencies a tool for proper Perc-Rite® micromound review. This class has been taught at the 2014 PASEO Eastern and Western conferences to a variety of SEO’s, designers, and PA DEP officials.
PA Micromound Installation Inspection Class
This class was developed in order to provide SEO’s, PADEP, and other inspection agencies a guide to proper system installation inspections. This course was recently taught at the 2014 Eastern and Western PASEO conferences. At the end of this course, you will find an inspection checklist that can aid in the field inspections of a Perc-Rite® micromound.